Liigu edasi põhisisu juurde

Entity type definition

$input Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityType(42)
  • contents
  • Available methods (85)
  • Static class properties (2)
  • protected revision_metadata_keys -> array(4)
    'revision_user' => string(12) "revision_uid"
    'revision_created' => string(18) "revision_timestamp"
    'revision_log_message' => string(12) "revision_log"
    'revision_default' => string(16) "revision_default"
    protected requiredRevisionMetadataKeys -> array(1)
    'revision_default' => string(16) "revision_default"
    protected static_cache -> boolTRUE
    protected render_cache -> boolTRUE
    protected persistent_cache -> boolTRUE
    protected entity_keys -> array(12)
    'id' => string(3) "nid"
    'revision' => string(3) "vid"
    'bundle' => string(4) "type"
    'label' => string(5) "title"
    'langcode' => string(8) "langcode"
    'uuid' => string(4) "uuid"
    'status' => string(6) "status"
    'published' => string(6) "status"
    'uid' => string(3) "uid"
    'owner' => string(3) "uid"
    'default_langcode' => string(16) "default_langcode"
    'revision_translation_affected' => string(29) "revision_translation_affected"
    protected id -> string(4) "node"
    protected originalClass -> string(23) "Drupal\node\Entity\Node"
    protected handlers -> array(11)
    'storage' => string(23) "Drupal\node\NodeStorage"
    'storage_schema' => string(29) "Drupal\node\NodeStorageSchema"
    'view_builder' => string(27) "Drupal\node\NodeViewBuilder"
    'access' => string(36) "Drupal\node\NodeAccessControlHandler"
    'views_data' => string(25) "Drupal\node\NodeViewsData"
    'form' => array(6)
    'default' => string(20) "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
    'delete' => string(31) "Drupal\node\Form\NodeDeleteForm"
    'edit' => string(20) "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
    'delete-multiple-confirm' => string(31) "Drupal\node\Form\DeleteMultiple"
    'filebrowser_outline' => string(40) "Drupal\filebrowser\FilebrowserConfigForm"
    'content_translation_deletion' => string(61) "\Drupal\content_translation\Form\ContentTranslationDeleteForm"
    'route_provider' => array(1)
    'html' => string(36) "Drupal\node\Entity\NodeRouteProvider"
    'list_builder' => string(27) "Drupal\node\NodeListBuilder"
    'translation' => string(34) "Drupal\node\NodeTranslationHandler"
    'inline_form' => string(46) "\Drupal\inline_entity_form\Form\NodeInlineForm"
    'query_access' => string(53) "Drupal\entity\QueryAccess\EventOnlyQueryAccessHandler"
    protected admin_permission -> NULL
    protected permission_granularity -> string(6) "bundle"
    protected links -> array(15)
    'canonical' => string(12) "/node/{node}"
    'delete-form' => string(19) "/node/{node}/delete"
    'delete-multiple-form' => string(26) "/admin/content/node/delete"
    'edit-form' => string(17) "/node/{node}/edit"
    'version-history' => string(22) "/node/{node}/revisions"
    'revision' => string(43) "/node/{node}/revisions/{node_revision}/view"
    'create' => string(5) "/node"
    'devel-load' => string(18) "/devel/node/{node}"
    'devel-render' => string(25) "/devel/node/{node}/render"
    'devel-definition' => string(29) "/devel/node/{node}/definition"
    'token-devel' => string(24) "/node/{node}/devel/token"
    'drupal:content-translation-overview' => string(25) "/node/{node}/translations"
    'drupal:content-translation-add' => string(47) "/node/{node}/translations/add/{source}/{target}"
    'drupal:content-translation-edit' => string(41) "/node/{node}/translations/edit/{language}"
    'drupal:content-translation-delete' => string(43) "/node/{node}/translations/delete/{language}"
    protected label_callback -> NULL
    protected bundle_entity_type -> string(9) "node_type"
    protected bundle_of -> NULL
    protected bundle_label -> Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup(5)
    • contents
    • Available methods (14)
    • protected translatedMarkup -> NULL
      protected options -> array(0)
      protected stringTranslation -> NULL
      protected string -> string(12) "Content type"
      protected arguments -> array(0)
    • public __construct($string, array $arguments = array(), array $options = array(), Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation = NULL)
      Constructs a new class instance.
      When possible, use the
      \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait $this->t(). Otherwise
      create a new \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object
      Calling the trait's t() method or instantiating a new TranslatableMarkup
      object serves two purposes:
      - At run-time it translates user-visible text into the appropriate
      - Static analyzers detect calls to t() and new TranslatableMarkup, and add
      the first argument (the string to be translated) to the database of
      strings that need translation. These strings are expected to be in
      English, so the first argument should always be in English.
      To allow the site to be localized, it is important that all human-readable
      text that will be displayed on the site or sent to a user is made available
      in one of the ways supported by the
      @link Localization API @endlink.
      See the @link Localization API @endlink
      pages for more information, including recommendations on how to break up or
      not break up strings for translation.
      @section sec_translating_vars Translating Variables
      $string should always be an English literal string.
      $string should never contain a variable, such as:
      new TranslatableMarkup($text)
      There are several reasons for this:
      - Using a variable for $string that is user input is a security risk.
      - Using a variable for $string that has even guaranteed safe text (for
      example, user interface text provided literally in code), will not be
      picked up by the localization static text processor. (The parameter could
      be a variable if the entire string in $text has been passed into t() or
      new TranslatableMarkup() elsewhere as the first argument, but that
      strategy is not recommended.)
      It is especially important never to call new TranslatableMarkup($user_text)
      or t($user_text) where $user_text is some text that a user entered -- doing
      that can lead to cross-site scripting and other security problems. However,
      you can use variable substitution in your string, to put variable text such
      as user names or link URLs into translated text. Variable substitution
      looks like this:
      new TranslatableMarkup("@name's blog", array('@name' => $account->getDisplayName()));
      Basically, you can put placeholders like @name into your string, and the
      method will substitute the sanitized values at translation time. (See the
      Localization API pages referenced above and the documentation of
      for details about how to safely and correctly define variables in your
      string.) Translators can then rearrange the string as necessary for the
      language (e.g., in Spanish, it might be "blog de @name").
      @param string $string
      A string containing the English text to translate.
      @param array $arguments
      (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
      translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
      escaped and/or themed. See
      \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
      @param array $options
      (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
      - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
      translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
      - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
      string belongs to.
      @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation
      (optional) The string translation service.
      @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      Exception thrown when $string is not a string.
      @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait::t()
      @ingroup sanitization
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:129
      public __sleep()
      Magic __sleep() method to avoid serializing the string translator.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:203
      public __toString()
      Implements the magic __toString() method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:13
      public count() -> int
      Returns the string length.
      @return int
      The length of the string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:227
      public getArguments() -> mixed[]
      Gets all arguments from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of arguments.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:178
      public getOption($name) -> mixed
      Gets a specific option from this translated string.
      @param string $name
      Option name.
      @return mixed
      The value of this option or empty string of option is not set.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:158
      public getOptions() -> mixed[]
      Gets all options from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of options.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:168
      public getUntranslatedString() -> string
      Gets the untranslated string value stored in this translated string.
      @return string
      The string stored in this wrapper.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:145
      public jsonSerialize() -> string
      Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
      @return string
      The safe string content.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:118
      public render() -> string
      Renders the object as a string.
      @return string
      The translated string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:188
      protected static placeholderEscape($value) -> string
      Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed.
      @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $value
      A placeholder replacement value.
      @return string
      The properly escaped replacement value.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:264
      protected static placeholderFormat($string, array $args) -> string
      Replaces placeholders in a string with values.
      @param string $string
      A string containing placeholders. The string itself is expected to be
      safe and correct HTML. Any unsafe content must be in $args and
      inserted via placeholders.
      @param array $args
      An associative array of replacements. Each array key should be the same
      as a placeholder in $string. The corresponding value should be a string
      or an object that implements
      \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface. The value replaces the
      placeholder in $string. Sanitization and formatting will be done before
      replacement. The type of sanitization and formatting depends on the first
      character of the key:
      - @variable: When the placeholder replacement value is:
      - A string, the replaced value in the returned string will be sanitized
      using \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape().
      - A MarkupInterface object, the replaced value in the returned string
      will not be sanitized.
      - A MarkupInterface object cast to a string, the replaced value in the
      returned string be forcibly sanitized using
      $this->placeholderFormat('This will force HTML-escaping of the replacement value: @text', ['@text' => (string) $safe_string_interface_object));
      Use this placeholder as the default choice for anything displayed on
      the site, but not within HTML attributes, JavaScript, or CSS. Doing so
      is a security risk.
      - %variable: Use when the replacement value is to be wrapped in <em>
      A call like:
      $string = "%output_text";
      $arguments = ['%output_text' => 'text output here.'];
      $this->placeholderFormat($string, $arguments);
      makes the following HTML code:
      <em class="placeholder">text output here.</em>
      As with @variable, do not use this within HTML attributes, JavaScript,
      or CSS. Doing so is a security risk.
      - :variable: Return value is escaped with
      \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() and filtered for dangerous
      protocols using UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols(). Use this when
      using the "href" attribute, ensuring the attribute value is always
      wrapped in quotes:
      // Secure (with quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=":url">@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      // Insecure (without quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=:url>@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      When ":variable" comes from arbitrary user input, the result is secure,
      but not guaranteed to be a valid URL (which means the resulting output
      could fail HTML validation). To guarantee a valid URL, use
      Url::fromUri($user_input)->toString() (which either throws an exception
      or returns a well-formed URL) before passing the result into a
      ":variable" placeholder.
      @return string
      A formatted HTML string with the placeholders replaced.
      @ingroup sanitization
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape()
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
      @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri()
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:194
      protected _die()
      For test purposes, wrap die() in an overridable method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:31
      protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      Gets the string translation service.
      @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      The string translation service.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:213
    protected base_table -> string(4) "node"
    protected revision_data_table -> string(19) "node_field_revision"
    protected revision_table -> string(13) "node_revision"
    protected data_table -> string(15) "node_field_data"
    protected internal -> boolFALSE
    protected translatable -> boolTRUE
    protected show_revision_ui -> boolTRUE
    protected label -> Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup(5)
    • contents
    • Available methods (14)
    • protected translatedMarkup -> NULL
      protected options -> array(0)
      protected stringTranslation -> NULL
      protected string -> string(7) "Content"
      protected arguments -> array(0)
    • public __construct($string, array $arguments = array(), array $options = array(), Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation = NULL)
      Constructs a new class instance.
      When possible, use the
      \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait $this->t(). Otherwise
      create a new \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object
      Calling the trait's t() method or instantiating a new TranslatableMarkup
      object serves two purposes:
      - At run-time it translates user-visible text into the appropriate
      - Static analyzers detect calls to t() and new TranslatableMarkup, and add
      the first argument (the string to be translated) to the database of
      strings that need translation. These strings are expected to be in
      English, so the first argument should always be in English.
      To allow the site to be localized, it is important that all human-readable
      text that will be displayed on the site or sent to a user is made available
      in one of the ways supported by the
      @link Localization API @endlink.
      See the @link Localization API @endlink
      pages for more information, including recommendations on how to break up or
      not break up strings for translation.
      @section sec_translating_vars Translating Variables
      $string should always be an English literal string.
      $string should never contain a variable, such as:
      new TranslatableMarkup($text)
      There are several reasons for this:
      - Using a variable for $string that is user input is a security risk.
      - Using a variable for $string that has even guaranteed safe text (for
      example, user interface text provided literally in code), will not be
      picked up by the localization static text processor. (The parameter could
      be a variable if the entire string in $text has been passed into t() or
      new TranslatableMarkup() elsewhere as the first argument, but that
      strategy is not recommended.)
      It is especially important never to call new TranslatableMarkup($user_text)
      or t($user_text) where $user_text is some text that a user entered -- doing
      that can lead to cross-site scripting and other security problems. However,
      you can use variable substitution in your string, to put variable text such
      as user names or link URLs into translated text. Variable substitution
      looks like this:
      new TranslatableMarkup("@name's blog", array('@name' => $account->getDisplayName()));
      Basically, you can put placeholders like @name into your string, and the
      method will substitute the sanitized values at translation time. (See the
      Localization API pages referenced above and the documentation of
      for details about how to safely and correctly define variables in your
      string.) Translators can then rearrange the string as necessary for the
      language (e.g., in Spanish, it might be "blog de @name").
      @param string $string
      A string containing the English text to translate.
      @param array $arguments
      (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
      translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
      escaped and/or themed. See
      \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
      @param array $options
      (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
      - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
      translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
      - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
      string belongs to.
      @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation
      (optional) The string translation service.
      @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      Exception thrown when $string is not a string.
      @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait::t()
      @ingroup sanitization
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:129
      public __sleep()
      Magic __sleep() method to avoid serializing the string translator.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:203
      public __toString()
      Implements the magic __toString() method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:13
      public count() -> int
      Returns the string length.
      @return int
      The length of the string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:227
      public getArguments() -> mixed[]
      Gets all arguments from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of arguments.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:178
      public getOption($name) -> mixed
      Gets a specific option from this translated string.
      @param string $name
      Option name.
      @return mixed
      The value of this option or empty string of option is not set.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:158
      public getOptions() -> mixed[]
      Gets all options from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of options.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:168
      public getUntranslatedString() -> string
      Gets the untranslated string value stored in this translated string.
      @return string
      The string stored in this wrapper.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:145
      public jsonSerialize() -> string
      Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
      @return string
      The safe string content.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:118
      public render() -> string
      Renders the object as a string.
      @return string
      The translated string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:188
      protected static placeholderEscape($value) -> string
      Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed.
      @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $value
      A placeholder replacement value.
      @return string
      The properly escaped replacement value.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:264
      protected static placeholderFormat($string, array $args) -> string
      Replaces placeholders in a string with values.
      @param string $string
      A string containing placeholders. The string itself is expected to be
      safe and correct HTML. Any unsafe content must be in $args and
      inserted via placeholders.
      @param array $args
      An associative array of replacements. Each array key should be the same
      as a placeholder in $string. The corresponding value should be a string
      or an object that implements
      \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface. The value replaces the
      placeholder in $string. Sanitization and formatting will be done before
      replacement. The type of sanitization and formatting depends on the first
      character of the key:
      - @variable: When the placeholder replacement value is:
      - A string, the replaced value in the returned string will be sanitized
      using \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape().
      - A MarkupInterface object, the replaced value in the returned string
      will not be sanitized.
      - A MarkupInterface object cast to a string, the replaced value in the
      returned string be forcibly sanitized using
      $this->placeholderFormat('This will force HTML-escaping of the replacement value: @text', ['@text' => (string) $safe_string_interface_object));
      Use this placeholder as the default choice for anything displayed on
      the site, but not within HTML attributes, JavaScript, or CSS. Doing so
      is a security risk.
      - %variable: Use when the replacement value is to be wrapped in <em>
      A call like:
      $string = "%output_text";
      $arguments = ['%output_text' => 'text output here.'];
      $this->placeholderFormat($string, $arguments);
      makes the following HTML code:
      <em class="placeholder">text output here.</em>
      As with @variable, do not use this within HTML attributes, JavaScript,
      or CSS. Doing so is a security risk.
      - :variable: Return value is escaped with
      \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() and filtered for dangerous
      protocols using UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols(). Use this when
      using the "href" attribute, ensuring the attribute value is always
      wrapped in quotes:
      // Secure (with quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=":url">@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      // Insecure (without quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=:url>@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      When ":variable" comes from arbitrary user input, the result is secure,
      but not guaranteed to be a valid URL (which means the resulting output
      could fail HTML validation). To guarantee a valid URL, use
      Url::fromUri($user_input)->toString() (which either throws an exception
      or returns a well-formed URL) before passing the result into a
      ":variable" placeholder.
      @return string
      A formatted HTML string with the placeholders replaced.
      @ingroup sanitization
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape()
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
      @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri()
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:194
      protected _die()
      For test purposes, wrap die() in an overridable method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:31
      protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      Gets the string translation service.
      @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      The string translation service.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:213
    protected label_collection -> Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup(5)
    • contents
    • Available methods (14)
    • protected translatedMarkup -> NULL
      protected options -> array(0)
      protected stringTranslation -> NULL
      protected string -> string(7) "Content"
      protected arguments -> array(0)
    • public __construct($string, array $arguments = array(), array $options = array(), Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation = NULL)
      Constructs a new class instance.
      When possible, use the
      \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait $this->t(). Otherwise
      create a new \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object
      Calling the trait's t() method or instantiating a new TranslatableMarkup
      object serves two purposes:
      - At run-time it translates user-visible text into the appropriate
      - Static analyzers detect calls to t() and new TranslatableMarkup, and add
      the first argument (the string to be translated) to the database of
      strings that need translation. These strings are expected to be in
      English, so the first argument should always be in English.
      To allow the site to be localized, it is important that all human-readable
      text that will be displayed on the site or sent to a user is made available
      in one of the ways supported by the
      @link Localization API @endlink.
      See the @link Localization API @endlink
      pages for more information, including recommendations on how to break up or
      not break up strings for translation.
      @section sec_translating_vars Translating Variables
      $string should always be an English literal string.
      $string should never contain a variable, such as:
      new TranslatableMarkup($text)
      There are several reasons for this:
      - Using a variable for $string that is user input is a security risk.
      - Using a variable for $string that has even guaranteed safe text (for
      example, user interface text provided literally in code), will not be
      picked up by the localization static text processor. (The parameter could
      be a variable if the entire string in $text has been passed into t() or
      new TranslatableMarkup() elsewhere as the first argument, but that
      strategy is not recommended.)
      It is especially important never to call new TranslatableMarkup($user_text)
      or t($user_text) where $user_text is some text that a user entered -- doing
      that can lead to cross-site scripting and other security problems. However,
      you can use variable substitution in your string, to put variable text such
      as user names or link URLs into translated text. Variable substitution
      looks like this:
      new TranslatableMarkup("@name's blog", array('@name' => $account->getDisplayName()));
      Basically, you can put placeholders like @name into your string, and the
      method will substitute the sanitized values at translation time. (See the
      Localization API pages referenced above and the documentation of
      for details about how to safely and correctly define variables in your
      string.) Translators can then rearrange the string as necessary for the
      language (e.g., in Spanish, it might be "blog de @name").
      @param string $string
      A string containing the English text to translate.
      @param array $arguments
      (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
      translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
      escaped and/or themed. See
      \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
      @param array $options
      (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
      - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
      translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
      - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
      string belongs to.
      @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation
      (optional) The string translation service.
      @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      Exception thrown when $string is not a string.
      @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait::t()
      @ingroup sanitization
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:129
      public __sleep()
      Magic __sleep() method to avoid serializing the string translator.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:203
      public __toString()
      Implements the magic __toString() method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:13
      public count() -> int
      Returns the string length.
      @return int
      The length of the string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:227
      public getArguments() -> mixed[]
      Gets all arguments from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of arguments.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:178
      public getOption($name) -> mixed
      Gets a specific option from this translated string.
      @param string $name
      Option name.
      @return mixed
      The value of this option or empty string of option is not set.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:158
      public getOptions() -> mixed[]
      Gets all options from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of options.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:168
      public getUntranslatedString() -> string
      Gets the untranslated string value stored in this translated string.
      @return string
      The string stored in this wrapper.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:145
      public jsonSerialize() -> string
      Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
      @return string
      The safe string content.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:118
      public render() -> string
      Renders the object as a string.
      @return string
      The translated string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:188
      protected static placeholderEscape($value) -> string
      Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed.
      @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $value
      A placeholder replacement value.
      @return string
      The properly escaped replacement value.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:264
      protected static placeholderFormat($string, array $args) -> string
      Replaces placeholders in a string with values.
      @param string $string
      A string containing placeholders. The string itself is expected to be
      safe and correct HTML. Any unsafe content must be in $args and
      inserted via placeholders.
      @param array $args
      An associative array of replacements. Each array key should be the same
      as a placeholder in $string. The corresponding value should be a string
      or an object that implements
      \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface. The value replaces the
      placeholder in $string. Sanitization and formatting will be done before
      replacement. The type of sanitization and formatting depends on the first
      character of the key:
      - @variable: When the placeholder replacement value is:
      - A string, the replaced value in the returned string will be sanitized
      using \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape().
      - A MarkupInterface object, the replaced value in the returned string
      will not be sanitized.
      - A MarkupInterface object cast to a string, the replaced value in the
      returned string be forcibly sanitized using
      $this->placeholderFormat('This will force HTML-escaping of the replacement value: @text', ['@text' => (string) $safe_string_interface_object));
      Use this placeholder as the default choice for anything displayed on
      the site, but not within HTML attributes, JavaScript, or CSS. Doing so
      is a security risk.
      - %variable: Use when the replacement value is to be wrapped in <em>
      A call like:
      $string = "%output_text";
      $arguments = ['%output_text' => 'text output here.'];
      $this->placeholderFormat($string, $arguments);
      makes the following HTML code:
      <em class="placeholder">text output here.</em>
      As with @variable, do not use this within HTML attributes, JavaScript,
      or CSS. Doing so is a security risk.
      - :variable: Return value is escaped with
      \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() and filtered for dangerous
      protocols using UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols(). Use this when
      using the "href" attribute, ensuring the attribute value is always
      wrapped in quotes:
      // Secure (with quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=":url">@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      // Insecure (without quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=:url>@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      When ":variable" comes from arbitrary user input, the result is secure,
      but not guaranteed to be a valid URL (which means the resulting output
      could fail HTML validation). To guarantee a valid URL, use
      Url::fromUri($user_input)->toString() (which either throws an exception
      or returns a well-formed URL) before passing the result into a
      ":variable" placeholder.
      @return string
      A formatted HTML string with the placeholders replaced.
      @ingroup sanitization
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape()
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
      @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri()
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:194
      protected _die()
      For test purposes, wrap die() in an overridable method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:31
      protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      Gets the string translation service.
      @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      The string translation service.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:213
    protected label_singular -> Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup(5)
    • contents
    • Available methods (14)
    • protected translatedMarkup -> NULL
      protected options -> array(0)
      protected stringTranslation -> NULL
      protected string -> string(12) "content item"
      protected arguments -> array(0)
    • public __construct($string, array $arguments = array(), array $options = array(), Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation = NULL)
      Constructs a new class instance.
      When possible, use the
      \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait $this->t(). Otherwise
      create a new \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object
      Calling the trait's t() method or instantiating a new TranslatableMarkup
      object serves two purposes:
      - At run-time it translates user-visible text into the appropriate
      - Static analyzers detect calls to t() and new TranslatableMarkup, and add
      the first argument (the string to be translated) to the database of
      strings that need translation. These strings are expected to be in
      English, so the first argument should always be in English.
      To allow the site to be localized, it is important that all human-readable
      text that will be displayed on the site or sent to a user is made available
      in one of the ways supported by the
      @link Localization API @endlink.
      See the @link Localization API @endlink
      pages for more information, including recommendations on how to break up or
      not break up strings for translation.
      @section sec_translating_vars Translating Variables
      $string should always be an English literal string.
      $string should never contain a variable, such as:
      new TranslatableMarkup($text)
      There are several reasons for this:
      - Using a variable for $string that is user input is a security risk.
      - Using a variable for $string that has even guaranteed safe text (for
      example, user interface text provided literally in code), will not be
      picked up by the localization static text processor. (The parameter could
      be a variable if the entire string in $text has been passed into t() or
      new TranslatableMarkup() elsewhere as the first argument, but that
      strategy is not recommended.)
      It is especially important never to call new TranslatableMarkup($user_text)
      or t($user_text) where $user_text is some text that a user entered -- doing
      that can lead to cross-site scripting and other security problems. However,
      you can use variable substitution in your string, to put variable text such
      as user names or link URLs into translated text. Variable substitution
      looks like this:
      new TranslatableMarkup("@name's blog", array('@name' => $account->getDisplayName()));
      Basically, you can put placeholders like @name into your string, and the
      method will substitute the sanitized values at translation time. (See the
      Localization API pages referenced above and the documentation of
      for details about how to safely and correctly define variables in your
      string.) Translators can then rearrange the string as necessary for the
      language (e.g., in Spanish, it might be "blog de @name").
      @param string $string
      A string containing the English text to translate.
      @param array $arguments
      (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
      translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
      escaped and/or themed. See
      \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
      @param array $options
      (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
      - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
      translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
      - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
      string belongs to.
      @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation
      (optional) The string translation service.
      @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      Exception thrown when $string is not a string.
      @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait::t()
      @ingroup sanitization
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:129
      public __sleep()
      Magic __sleep() method to avoid serializing the string translator.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:203
      public __toString()
      Implements the magic __toString() method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:13
      public count() -> int
      Returns the string length.
      @return int
      The length of the string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:227
      public getArguments() -> mixed[]
      Gets all arguments from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of arguments.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:178
      public getOption($name) -> mixed
      Gets a specific option from this translated string.
      @param string $name
      Option name.
      @return mixed
      The value of this option or empty string of option is not set.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:158
      public getOptions() -> mixed[]
      Gets all options from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of options.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:168
      public getUntranslatedString() -> string
      Gets the untranslated string value stored in this translated string.
      @return string
      The string stored in this wrapper.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:145
      public jsonSerialize() -> string
      Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
      @return string
      The safe string content.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:118
      public render() -> string
      Renders the object as a string.
      @return string
      The translated string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:188
      protected static placeholderEscape($value) -> string
      Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed.
      @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $value
      A placeholder replacement value.
      @return string
      The properly escaped replacement value.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:264
      protected static placeholderFormat($string, array $args) -> string
      Replaces placeholders in a string with values.
      @param string $string
      A string containing placeholders. The string itself is expected to be
      safe and correct HTML. Any unsafe content must be in $args and
      inserted via placeholders.
      @param array $args
      An associative array of replacements. Each array key should be the same
      as a placeholder in $string. The corresponding value should be a string
      or an object that implements
      \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface. The value replaces the
      placeholder in $string. Sanitization and formatting will be done before
      replacement. The type of sanitization and formatting depends on the first
      character of the key:
      - @variable: When the placeholder replacement value is:
      - A string, the replaced value in the returned string will be sanitized
      using \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape().
      - A MarkupInterface object, the replaced value in the returned string
      will not be sanitized.
      - A MarkupInterface object cast to a string, the replaced value in the
      returned string be forcibly sanitized using
      $this->placeholderFormat('This will force HTML-escaping of the replacement value: @text', ['@text' => (string) $safe_string_interface_object));
      Use this placeholder as the default choice for anything displayed on
      the site, but not within HTML attributes, JavaScript, or CSS. Doing so
      is a security risk.
      - %variable: Use when the replacement value is to be wrapped in <em>
      A call like:
      $string = "%output_text";
      $arguments = ['%output_text' => 'text output here.'];
      $this->placeholderFormat($string, $arguments);
      makes the following HTML code:
      <em class="placeholder">text output here.</em>
      As with @variable, do not use this within HTML attributes, JavaScript,
      or CSS. Doing so is a security risk.
      - :variable: Return value is escaped with
      \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() and filtered for dangerous
      protocols using UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols(). Use this when
      using the "href" attribute, ensuring the attribute value is always
      wrapped in quotes:
      // Secure (with quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=":url">@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      // Insecure (without quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=:url>@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      When ":variable" comes from arbitrary user input, the result is secure,
      but not guaranteed to be a valid URL (which means the resulting output
      could fail HTML validation). To guarantee a valid URL, use
      Url::fromUri($user_input)->toString() (which either throws an exception
      or returns a well-formed URL) before passing the result into a
      ":variable" placeholder.
      @return string
      A formatted HTML string with the placeholders replaced.
      @ingroup sanitization
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape()
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
      @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri()
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:194
      protected _die()
      For test purposes, wrap die() in an overridable method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:31
      protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      Gets the string translation service.
      @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      The string translation service.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:213
    protected label_plural -> Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup(5)
    • contents
    • Available methods (14)
    • protected translatedMarkup -> NULL
      protected options -> array(0)
      protected stringTranslation -> NULL
      protected string -> string(13) "content items"
      protected arguments -> array(0)
    • public __construct($string, array $arguments = array(), array $options = array(), Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation = NULL)
      Constructs a new class instance.
      When possible, use the
      \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait $this->t(). Otherwise
      create a new \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object
      Calling the trait's t() method or instantiating a new TranslatableMarkup
      object serves two purposes:
      - At run-time it translates user-visible text into the appropriate
      - Static analyzers detect calls to t() and new TranslatableMarkup, and add
      the first argument (the string to be translated) to the database of
      strings that need translation. These strings are expected to be in
      English, so the first argument should always be in English.
      To allow the site to be localized, it is important that all human-readable
      text that will be displayed on the site or sent to a user is made available
      in one of the ways supported by the
      @link Localization API @endlink.
      See the @link Localization API @endlink
      pages for more information, including recommendations on how to break up or
      not break up strings for translation.
      @section sec_translating_vars Translating Variables
      $string should always be an English literal string.
      $string should never contain a variable, such as:
      new TranslatableMarkup($text)
      There are several reasons for this:
      - Using a variable for $string that is user input is a security risk.
      - Using a variable for $string that has even guaranteed safe text (for
      example, user interface text provided literally in code), will not be
      picked up by the localization static text processor. (The parameter could
      be a variable if the entire string in $text has been passed into t() or
      new TranslatableMarkup() elsewhere as the first argument, but that
      strategy is not recommended.)
      It is especially important never to call new TranslatableMarkup($user_text)
      or t($user_text) where $user_text is some text that a user entered -- doing
      that can lead to cross-site scripting and other security problems. However,
      you can use variable substitution in your string, to put variable text such
      as user names or link URLs into translated text. Variable substitution
      looks like this:
      new TranslatableMarkup("@name's blog", array('@name' => $account->getDisplayName()));
      Basically, you can put placeholders like @name into your string, and the
      method will substitute the sanitized values at translation time. (See the
      Localization API pages referenced above and the documentation of
      for details about how to safely and correctly define variables in your
      string.) Translators can then rearrange the string as necessary for the
      language (e.g., in Spanish, it might be "blog de @name").
      @param string $string
      A string containing the English text to translate.
      @param array $arguments
      (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
      translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
      escaped and/or themed. See
      \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
      @param array $options
      (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
      - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
      translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
      - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
      string belongs to.
      @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation
      (optional) The string translation service.
      @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      Exception thrown when $string is not a string.
      @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait::t()
      @ingroup sanitization
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:129
      public __sleep()
      Magic __sleep() method to avoid serializing the string translator.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:203
      public __toString()
      Implements the magic __toString() method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:13
      public count() -> int
      Returns the string length.
      @return int
      The length of the string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:227
      public getArguments() -> mixed[]
      Gets all arguments from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of arguments.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:178
      public getOption($name) -> mixed
      Gets a specific option from this translated string.
      @param string $name
      Option name.
      @return mixed
      The value of this option or empty string of option is not set.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:158
      public getOptions() -> mixed[]
      Gets all options from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of options.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:168
      public getUntranslatedString() -> string
      Gets the untranslated string value stored in this translated string.
      @return string
      The string stored in this wrapper.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:145
      public jsonSerialize() -> string
      Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
      @return string
      The safe string content.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:118
      public render() -> string
      Renders the object as a string.
      @return string
      The translated string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:188
      protected static placeholderEscape($value) -> string
      Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed.
      @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $value
      A placeholder replacement value.
      @return string
      The properly escaped replacement value.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:264
      protected static placeholderFormat($string, array $args) -> string
      Replaces placeholders in a string with values.
      @param string $string
      A string containing placeholders. The string itself is expected to be
      safe and correct HTML. Any unsafe content must be in $args and
      inserted via placeholders.
      @param array $args
      An associative array of replacements. Each array key should be the same
      as a placeholder in $string. The corresponding value should be a string
      or an object that implements
      \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface. The value replaces the
      placeholder in $string. Sanitization and formatting will be done before
      replacement. The type of sanitization and formatting depends on the first
      character of the key:
      - @variable: When the placeholder replacement value is:
      - A string, the replaced value in the returned string will be sanitized
      using \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape().
      - A MarkupInterface object, the replaced value in the returned string
      will not be sanitized.
      - A MarkupInterface object cast to a string, the replaced value in the
      returned string be forcibly sanitized using
      $this->placeholderFormat('This will force HTML-escaping of the replacement value: @text', ['@text' => (string) $safe_string_interface_object));
      Use this placeholder as the default choice for anything displayed on
      the site, but not within HTML attributes, JavaScript, or CSS. Doing so
      is a security risk.
      - %variable: Use when the replacement value is to be wrapped in <em>
      A call like:
      $string = "%output_text";
      $arguments = ['%output_text' => 'text output here.'];
      $this->placeholderFormat($string, $arguments);
      makes the following HTML code:
      <em class="placeholder">text output here.</em>
      As with @variable, do not use this within HTML attributes, JavaScript,
      or CSS. Doing so is a security risk.
      - :variable: Return value is escaped with
      \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() and filtered for dangerous
      protocols using UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols(). Use this when
      using the "href" attribute, ensuring the attribute value is always
      wrapped in quotes:
      // Secure (with quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=":url">@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      // Insecure (without quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=:url>@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      When ":variable" comes from arbitrary user input, the result is secure,
      but not guaranteed to be a valid URL (which means the resulting output
      could fail HTML validation). To guarantee a valid URL, use
      Url::fromUri($user_input)->toString() (which either throws an exception
      or returns a well-formed URL) before passing the result into a
      ":variable" placeholder.
      @return string
      A formatted HTML string with the placeholders replaced.
      @ingroup sanitization
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape()
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
      @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri()
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:194
      protected _die()
      For test purposes, wrap die() in an overridable method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:31
      protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      Gets the string translation service.
      @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      The string translation service.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:213
    protected label_count -> array(3)
    'singular' => string(19) "@count content item"
    'plural' => string(20) "@count content items"
    'context' => NULL
    protected uri_callback -> NULL
    protected group -> string(7) "content"
    protected group_label -> Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup(5)
    • contents
    • Available methods (14)
    • protected translatedMarkup -> NULL
      protected options -> array(1)
      'context' => string(17) "Entity type group"
      protected stringTranslation -> NULL
      protected string -> string(7) "Content"
      protected arguments -> array(0)
    • public __construct($string, array $arguments = array(), array $options = array(), Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation = NULL)
      Constructs a new class instance.
      When possible, use the
      \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait $this->t(). Otherwise
      create a new \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object
      Calling the trait's t() method or instantiating a new TranslatableMarkup
      object serves two purposes:
      - At run-time it translates user-visible text into the appropriate
      - Static analyzers detect calls to t() and new TranslatableMarkup, and add
      the first argument (the string to be translated) to the database of
      strings that need translation. These strings are expected to be in
      English, so the first argument should always be in English.
      To allow the site to be localized, it is important that all human-readable
      text that will be displayed on the site or sent to a user is made available
      in one of the ways supported by the
      @link Localization API @endlink.
      See the @link Localization API @endlink
      pages for more information, including recommendations on how to break up or
      not break up strings for translation.
      @section sec_translating_vars Translating Variables
      $string should always be an English literal string.
      $string should never contain a variable, such as:
      new TranslatableMarkup($text)
      There are several reasons for this:
      - Using a variable for $string that is user input is a security risk.
      - Using a variable for $string that has even guaranteed safe text (for
      example, user interface text provided literally in code), will not be
      picked up by the localization static text processor. (The parameter could
      be a variable if the entire string in $text has been passed into t() or
      new TranslatableMarkup() elsewhere as the first argument, but that
      strategy is not recommended.)
      It is especially important never to call new TranslatableMarkup($user_text)
      or t($user_text) where $user_text is some text that a user entered -- doing
      that can lead to cross-site scripting and other security problems. However,
      you can use variable substitution in your string, to put variable text such
      as user names or link URLs into translated text. Variable substitution
      looks like this:
      new TranslatableMarkup("@name's blog", array('@name' => $account->getDisplayName()));
      Basically, you can put placeholders like @name into your string, and the
      method will substitute the sanitized values at translation time. (See the
      Localization API pages referenced above and the documentation of
      for details about how to safely and correctly define variables in your
      string.) Translators can then rearrange the string as necessary for the
      language (e.g., in Spanish, it might be "blog de @name").
      @param string $string
      A string containing the English text to translate.
      @param array $arguments
      (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
      translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
      escaped and/or themed. See
      \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
      @param array $options
      (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
      - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
      translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
      - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
      string belongs to.
      @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $string_translation
      (optional) The string translation service.
      @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      Exception thrown when $string is not a string.
      @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait::t()
      @ingroup sanitization
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:129
      public __sleep()
      Magic __sleep() method to avoid serializing the string translator.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:203
      public __toString()
      Implements the magic __toString() method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:13
      public count() -> int
      Returns the string length.
      @return int
      The length of the string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:227
      public getArguments() -> mixed[]
      Gets all arguments from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of arguments.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:178
      public getOption($name) -> mixed
      Gets a specific option from this translated string.
      @param string $name
      Option name.
      @return mixed
      The value of this option or empty string of option is not set.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:158
      public getOptions() -> mixed[]
      Gets all options from this translated string.
      @return mixed[]
      The array of options.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:168
      public getUntranslatedString() -> string
      Gets the untranslated string value stored in this translated string.
      @return string
      The string stored in this wrapper.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:145
      public jsonSerialize() -> string
      Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
      @return string
      The safe string content.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:118
      public render() -> string
      Renders the object as a string.
      @return string
      The translated string.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:188
      protected static placeholderEscape($value) -> string
      Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed.
      @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $value
      A placeholder replacement value.
      @return string
      The properly escaped replacement value.
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:264
      protected static placeholderFormat($string, array $args) -> string
      Replaces placeholders in a string with values.
      @param string $string
      A string containing placeholders. The string itself is expected to be
      safe and correct HTML. Any unsafe content must be in $args and
      inserted via placeholders.
      @param array $args
      An associative array of replacements. Each array key should be the same
      as a placeholder in $string. The corresponding value should be a string
      or an object that implements
      \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface. The value replaces the
      placeholder in $string. Sanitization and formatting will be done before
      replacement. The type of sanitization and formatting depends on the first
      character of the key:
      - @variable: When the placeholder replacement value is:
      - A string, the replaced value in the returned string will be sanitized
      using \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape().
      - A MarkupInterface object, the replaced value in the returned string
      will not be sanitized.
      - A MarkupInterface object cast to a string, the replaced value in the
      returned string be forcibly sanitized using
      $this->placeholderFormat('This will force HTML-escaping of the replacement value: @text', ['@text' => (string) $safe_string_interface_object));
      Use this placeholder as the default choice for anything displayed on
      the site, but not within HTML attributes, JavaScript, or CSS. Doing so
      is a security risk.
      - %variable: Use when the replacement value is to be wrapped in <em>
      A call like:
      $string = "%output_text";
      $arguments = ['%output_text' => 'text output here.'];
      $this->placeholderFormat($string, $arguments);
      makes the following HTML code:
      <em class="placeholder">text output here.</em>
      As with @variable, do not use this within HTML attributes, JavaScript,
      or CSS. Doing so is a security risk.
      - :variable: Return value is escaped with
      \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() and filtered for dangerous
      protocols using UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols(). Use this when
      using the "href" attribute, ensuring the attribute value is always
      wrapped in quotes:
      // Secure (with quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=":url">@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      // Insecure (without quotes):
      $this->placeholderFormat('<a href=:url>@variable</a>', [':url' => $url, '@variable' => $variable]);
      When ":variable" comes from arbitrary user input, the result is secure,
      but not guaranteed to be a valid URL (which means the resulting output
      could fail HTML validation). To guarantee a valid URL, use
      Url::fromUri($user_input)->toString() (which either throws an exception
      or returns a well-formed URL) before passing the result into a
      ":variable" placeholder.
      @return string
      A formatted HTML string with the placeholders replaced.
      @ingroup sanitization
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\PluralTranslatableMarkup
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape()
      @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
      @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri()
      Inherited from Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/FormattableMarkup.php:194
      protected _die()
      For test purposes, wrap die() in an overridable method.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/ToStringTrait.php:31
      protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      Gets the string translation service.
      @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
      The string translation service.
      Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/TranslatableMarkup.php:213
    protected field_ui_base_route -> string(26) "entity.node_type.edit_form"
    protected common_reference_target -> boolTRUE
    protected list_cache_contexts -> array(1)
    string(21) "user.node_grants:view"
    protected list_cache_tags -> array(1)
    string(9) "node_list"
    protected constraints -> array(4)
    'EntityChanged' => NULL
    'EntityUntranslatableFields' => NULL
    'MenuSettings' => array(0)
    'ContentTranslationSynchronizedFields' => NULL
    protected additional -> array(3)
    'token_type' => string(4) "node"
    'content_translation_metadata' => string(60) "Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationMetadataWrapper"
    'translation' => array(1)
    'content_translation' => array(1)
    'access_callback' => string(36) "content_translation_translate_access"
    protected class -> string(23) "Drupal\node\Entity\Node"
    protected provider -> string(4) "node"
    protected _serviceIds -> array(0)
    protected _entityStorages -> array(0)
    protected stringTranslation -> NULL
  • public __construct($definition)
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:27
    public __sleep()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DependencyInjection/DependencySerializationTrait.php:30
    public __wakeup()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DependencyInjection/DependencySerializationTrait.php:65
    public addConstraint($constraint_name, $options = NULL)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:909
    public entityClassImplements($interface)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:442
    public get($property)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:345
    public getAccessControlClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:604
    public getAdminPermission()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:619
    public getBaseTable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:722
    public getBundleConfigDependency($bundle)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:917
    public getBundleEntityType()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:693
    public getBundleLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:707
    public getBundleOf()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:700
    public getClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\PluginDefinition
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Definition/PluginDefinition.php:49
    public getCollectionLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:787
    public getConfigDependencyKey()
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:57
    public getConstraints()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:894
    public getCountLabel($count)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:820
    public getDataTable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:765
    public getFormClass($operation)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:524
    public getGroup()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:849
    public getGroupLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:856
    public getHandlerClass($handler_type, $nested = false)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:464
    public getHandlerClasses()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:457
    public getKey($key)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:406
    public getKeys()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:399
    public getLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:772
    public getLabelCallback()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:668
    public getLinkTemplate($key)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:640
    public getLinkTemplates()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:633
    public getListBuilderClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:553
    public getListCacheContexts()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:863
    public getListCacheTags()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:870
    public getLowercaseLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:779
    public getOriginalClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:422
    public getPermissionGranularity()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:626
    public getPluralLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:809
    public getProvider()
    Inherited from Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\PluginDefinition
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Definition/PluginDefinition.php:56
    public getRevisionDataTable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:751
    public getRevisionMetadataKey($key)
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:104
    public getRevisionMetadataKeys($include_backwards_compatibility_field_names = true)
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:80
    public getRevisionTable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:758
    public getRouteProviderClasses()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:597
    public getSingularLabel()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:798
    public getStorageClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:498
    public getUriCallback()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:834
    public getViewBuilderClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:575
    public hasFormClasses()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:539
    public hasHandlerClass($handler_type, $nested = false)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:483
    public hasKey($key)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:414
    public hasLabelCallback()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:685
    public hasLinkTemplate($key)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:648
    public hasListBuilderClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:568
    public hasRevisionMetadataKey($key)
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:112
    public hasRouteProviders()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:546
    public hasViewBuilderClass()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:590
    public id()
    Inherited from Drupal\Component\Plugin\Definition\PluginDefinition
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Definition/PluginDefinition.php:34
    public isCommonReferenceTarget()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:887
    public isInternal()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:371
    public isPersistentlyCacheable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:392
    public isRenderCacheable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:385
    public isRevisionable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:743
    public isStaticallyCacheable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:378
    public isSubclassOf($class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:449
    public isTranslatable()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:736
    public set($property, $value)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:358
    public setAccessClass($class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:611
    public setClass($class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:429
    public setConstraints(array $constraints)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:901
    public setFormClass($operation, $class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:531
    public setHandlerClass($handler_type, $value)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:475
    public setLabelCallback($callback)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:676
    public setLinkTemplate($key, $path)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:656
    public setListBuilderClass($class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:560
    public setRevisionMetadataKey($key, $field_name)
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:120
    public setStorageClass($class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:505
    public setStringTranslation(Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $translation) -> $this
    Sets the string translation service to use.
    @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $translation
    The string translation service.
    @return $this
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/StringTranslationTrait.php:118
    public setUriCallback($callback)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:841
    public setViewBuilderClass($class)
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:582
    public showRevisionUi()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityType.php:729
    protected checkStorageClass($class)
    @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    If the provided class does not implement
    @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityStorageInterface
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityType.php:70
    protected formatPlural($count, $singular, $plural, array $args = array(), array $options = array())
    Formats a string containing a count of items.
    @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface::formatPlural()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/StringTranslationTrait.php:79
    protected getNumberOfPlurals($langcode = NULL)
    Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
    @see \Drupal\locale\PluralFormulaInterface::getNumberOfPlurals()
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/StringTranslationTrait.php:88
    protected getStringTranslation() -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
    Gets the string translation service.
    @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
    The string translation service.
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/StringTranslationTrait.php:102
    protected t($string, array $args = array(), array $options = array()) -> \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
    Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
    See \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup::__construct() for
    important security information and usage guidelines.
    In order for strings to be localized, make them available in one of the
    ways supported by the
    @link Localization API @endlink. When
    possible, use the \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait
    $this->t(). Otherwise create a new
    \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup object.
    @param string $string
    A string containing the English text to translate.
    @param array $args
    (optional) An associative array of replacements to make after
    translation. Based on the first character of the key, the value is
    escaped and/or themed. See
    \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat() for
    @param array $options
    (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
    - 'langcode' (defaults to the current language): A language code, to
    translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
    - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source
    string belongs to. See the
    @link i18n Internationalization topic @endlink for more information
    about string contexts.
    @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
    An object that, when cast to a string, returns the translated string.
    @see \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat()
    @see \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup::__construct()
    @ingroup sanitization
    Inherited from Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType
    Defined in <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StringTranslation/StringTranslationTrait.php:70
  • constant ID_MAX_LENGTH :: integer32
    constant BUNDLE_MAX_LENGTH :: integer32
Called from <ROOT>/modules/contrib/devel/kint/src/Plugin/Devel/Dumper/Kint.php:32 [Drupal\kint\Plugin\Devel\Dumper\Kint->export()]
  1. <ROOT>/modules/contrib/devel/src/DevelDumperBase.php:29 [Drupal\kint\Plugin\Devel\Dumper\Kint->export()]
  2. <ROOT>/modules/contrib/devel/src/DevelDumperManager.php:133 [Drupal\devel\DevelDumperBase->exportAsRenderable()]
  3. <ROOT>/modules/contrib/devel/src/Controller/EntityDebugController.php:59 [Drupal\devel\DevelDumperManager->exportAsRenderable()]
  4. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber.php:123 [call_user_func_array()]
  5. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php:573 [Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\{closure}()]
  6. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber.php:124 [Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->executeInRenderContext()]
  7. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber.php:97 [Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->wrapControllerExecutionInRenderContext()]
  8. .../vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php:151 [Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\{closure}()]
  9. .../vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php:68 [Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw()]
  10. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/Session.php:57 [Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle()]
  11. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/KernelPreHandle.php:47 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\Session->handle()]
  12. <ROOT>/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php:191 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\KernelPreHandle->handle()]
  13. <ROOT>/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php:128 [Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->fetch()]
  14. <ROOT>/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php:82 [Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->lookup()]
  15. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/ReverseProxyMiddleware.php:47 [Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->handle()]
  16. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/NegotiationMiddleware.php:52 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ReverseProxyMiddleware->handle()]
  17. .../vendor/stack/builder/src/Stack/StackedHttpKernel.php:23 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\NegotiationMiddleware->handle()]
  18. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DrupalKernel.php:708 [Stack\StackedHttpKernel->handle()]
  19. <ROOT>/index.php:19 [Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle()]